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Flower Buds


Welcome to meditation at Sama. My goal is to inspire a greater sense of ease and wellbeing in your daily life. Explore the online offerings below and get your practice started today. I can't wait to see you on the inside! 

Image by Sergey Shmidt

Sama Stasis

A 2-week course for anyone looking to deepen their sense of balance and regulation in a world that is anything but...

Sam Stasis

In this 2-week course we cover

Image by MissMushroom
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Your facilitator - Adam DeVito

I feel incredibly lucky to have begun meditating back in 2012. It has since become a natural and enjoyable part of my daily routine. The best part is that the benefits far outlast the 20 minutes of daily practice.


I created this course to inspire a sense of joy and ease when it comes to meditation. Far too often we are told meditation is boring, difficult, and tedious. Meditation is one of the best parts of my day. Everyday. Period.


As children, we are given approximately zero tools to learn to work with our minds and emotions. This is my small way of giving back what I've been taught over the years. I hope these tools can support your daily health and wellbeing.

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